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Lady Gaga, The Fame Monster (Picture Disc)
Lady Gaga, The Fame Monster (Picture Disc)

Lady Gaga, The Fame Monster (Picture Disc)

Urban Legends Store

Lady Gaga


Record Store Day Exclusive This unique collectors item has been pressed onto a record featuring a unique image presented by the artist. Note: The image is on the actual record itself. Protection Each record is protected within it's record sleeve by a white vellum anti-dust sleeve. Packaging All items are shipped brand-new and unopened in original packaging. Every record is shipped in original factory-applied shrink wrap and has never been touched by human hands.


A1. Bad Romance
A2. Alejandro
A3. Monster
A4. Speechless

B1. Dance In The Dark
B2. Telephone
B3. So Happy I Could Die
B4. Teeth