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Ludacris, Chicken-n-Beer (Limited Edition 2LP)
Ludacris, Chicken-n-Beer (Limited Edition 2LP)

Ludacris, Chicken-n-Beer (Limited Edition 2LP)

Urban Legends Store



Chicken-n-Beer is the fourth studio album from Ludacris and is musically similar to Ludacris' previous work, with his use of a fast, highly versatile flow, although some of the songs take a more political overtone. The album debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and achieved success outside the United States as well, charting in several European territories. This album has been reissued on limited edition 2LP white vinyl.


1. Southern Fried Intro
2. Blow It Out
3. Stand Up
4. Rob Quarters
5. Splash Waterfalls
6. Hard Times
7. Diamond In The Back
8. Screwed Up
9. T Baggin'
10. P-Poppin
11. Hip Hop Quotables
12. Black Man's Struggle
13. Hoes In My Room
14. Teamwork
15. Interactive
16. We Got
17. Eyebrows Down